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DeSoto Parish School System


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    Please review the information provided below regarding Cheer Try Outs.

    Packets will be available at the front entrance of the school beginning Thursday, May 21st,

    Click on links to review




    The Department of Student Learning will be providing online resources to support the retention of grade level and subject area learning standards. These resources will be in alignment with the information your child has already learned in their classrooms this year.   The items will be updated weekly and focus directly on Louisiana State Standards that align to the curriculum used daily in our classrooms. In addition, printed packets of these same materials will be available for pickup at our local parish libraries.  Again, these packets will be updated weekly. Students will not be expected to complete school work during this time. However, these materials can be used to focus students on the standards that have already been taught to keep learning concepts fresh.  

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    Click on the link below to visit the DPSB Home Learning Guidance and Resources page.


    DeSoto Parish Schools offer Breakfast and Lunch for students through curbside service and satellite method in cooperation with local churches.  Meals will be prepared at school sites and shipped out to outlying communities.  

    Click on the link below to view pick up locations.




    Listen and validate feelings: Simply listen to and talk with your child. It is important to reassure your child that you love them and that you will get through this difficult time together. Let them know that it’s normal to experience anxiety or stress when there are many unknowns. 

    Stay calm: Children look to the adults in their lives for how to respond in a difficult time. When adults stay calm, children will too.

    Limit screen time and media exposure: Support your child in limiting time on social media and watching the news. Research has shown that over-exposure to distressing messages increases anxiety, and is overall unnecessary for being prepared. Role-model for them by limiting your own screen time. You may also consider installing apps that limit teen screen time. Monitor their social media activity.  

    Healthy habits: Help your student to get to bed on time and get enough rest, eat healthy food, and get exercise. Encourage them to adopt a daily routine that includes learning and movement. 

    Relaxation: Encourage your student to use simple relaxation skills and engage in favorite activities or hobbies. Simple relaxation may include deep breaths, stretching, taking a walk, yoga, or mindfulness strategies such as noticing colors or sounds in a space.

    These basic strategies can help support your student (and yourself!) in coping during this unusual time.  



    Mansfield Middle School is committed to ensuring students’ academic growth, celebrating their accomplishments, and moving them towards international competitiveness.

    Booster Guidance Document.pdf (PDF)
    Permission to Use School Name, Logo, Colors, and or Mascot.pdf (PDF)


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